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Complementary Therapies are used alongside conventional medical treatments to improve health and wellbeing. 

QIGONG is a mindful moving meditation. 

Qigong's gentle movements and peaceful flow help to move blood and oxygen around the body, nourishing the organs and tissues, hence promoting healing.


Due to the mind & breath connection, Qigong is a great self healing tool to induce calmness. Connecting holistically to Mother Earth, qigong will relieve emotional and mental anxiety; stimulate and cultivate your internal energy; clear and cleanse your meridians; allowing you to feel rejuvenated, refreshed and clear minded.


TAI CHI is a mind and body practice, valuable in treating or preventing many health problems. 

The movements of Tai Chi are circular and flow smoothly. It is a weight bearing exercise which helps maintain bone density also improve muscular strength, flexibility, balance and fitness. The muscles and joints are relaxed and held loosely.


As you move, you move softly, as you breathe, you breathe deeply and rhythmicly, with a clear mental focus. Mindful Moving teaches the Yang Cheng Fu form which is suited and adaptable to all levels of abilities.



Based on the original teachings of Dr. Mikao Usui, (Rei - Universal and Ki - life force) 

"Universal Life Energy" in Japanese.


Reiki is a holistic treatment, you will benefit mentally, physically, emotionally

and spiritually. A glowing radiance flowing through your body and around your aura.

The practice is through placing hands on various energy input points

on the body to bring balance and harmony to ones well-being and environment. 

Reiki is a tool that can offer amazing healing benefits, control and greatly

enhance the flow of energy in and around the body however is not a

replacement for medical treatment. 


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